About Art Freak Shirts
About Art Freak Shirts

About us

Hey, its  not all About us

But since you are here…
You probably want to know a little more about us. I get it you’re curious, that’s why you clicked on this boring “about us ” page in the first place. Well, since you are here, I guess we ought to tell you how we got started as, Art Freak Shirts.

How Art Freak Shirts got it’s start

It all started with an internet search, Kind of like how you found us just now. But instead of finding what we were looking for like you did, umm… we found nothing.

We searched high and low, but there was absolutely no Art Freak Apparel or content on the internet that we could find.

We couldn’t find Kali Linux lap-top covers or T-shirts. In fact, other than the generic cliché round about nerd & Artsy crap, there was absolutely nothing .

So that is when we decided we should create something for designers, Art freaks, nerd’s, hackers. You know the type, Us the freaks, we are Basically silicon valley’s Fashion Store Now.

Yeah, that kind of just happened.